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Noelani Pearl Hernandez
Principal, Founder 
Albert Hernandez
Principal, Founder (he/him/el)
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Home: Services


Noelani Pearl Hernandez, Principal/Founder, has almost three decades of nonprofit and political management experience. She holds certifications in High Conflict Management and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the work place. In addition, she is a Certified Professional in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Organizational Change. Her work in development, public relations, board management, nonprofit/campaign strategy, civil rights, social justice, and diversity/inclusion helps her clients succeed and pivot. She understands the challenges nonprofits are facing during this trying time.  

She was the first Filipina America elected her local school board in the Bay Area and the first woman of color to serve as President. She is most proud of her work during her tenure on the school board, where she spearheaded projects that focused on equity in education.

Noelani specializes in being a strategic partner. Her focus is to provide you with the most detailed analysis of your organization. To do so, she must understand your internal and external challenges. Your success is our goal; to provide you with the most detailed plans, we will do personal one-on-one meetings with the board and staff leadership and analyze your current organization. Following the review of our findings, we will establish clear and concise goals and priorities for our collaboration. Read More 



Albert Hernandez, Principal/Founder, has been involved in community service and advocacy for more than three decades; he has devoted his life to achieving equality in education, workers' rights, and family violence prevention, culminating in his election as a state representative. Albert holds a certification in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the workplace.  

Albert began his legal experience clerking for Judge Sharon Chatman, where he found his passion in the courtroom. He assisted the Judge by participating in courtroom discussions, hearings, and trials. Albert’s legal experience ranges from misdemeanor and felony cases to homicide trials. He previously worked as a Supervising Legal Professional for a law office focused on workers and civil rights. He fought for community members' rights to medical attention. Albert is continuing this passion while in pursuit of his Juris Doctorate.

Albert is dedicated to giving students of color an equal opportunity in higher education. As a Community Outreach Director for SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos/ Hispanics and Native Americans in Science), Albert has been integral to the success of the Evergreen Valley College chapter by building partnerships with corporations, non-profits, and community leaders. His work has helped high school students realize their full potential.                  Read more

Image by Scott Graham
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Image by John Schnobrich
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Gail, Executive Director 

         “As executive leaders, I know we are often starving for connections and nourishment. Working with Pearl Consulting Group is like sitting at a buffet of resources for non profit leaders. It doesn’t matter what you’re hungry for or what your organization needs, she will keep it fresh and help you serve yourself a feast so you feel more satisfied about the direction you or your organization is headed. I highly recommend Pearl Consulting Group.


Dionne, Executive Director 

Let’s be honest, talking about racism can  be scary. From not knowing how to start learning, beginning to face our own implicit and unconscious bias to bringing inclusion to your organization can feel overwhelming. I cannot express enough how learning with Noelani has meant to me. Pearl Consulting Group's knowledge and generosity in sharing ignited a curiosity in me to learn more. Pearl Consulting Group nurtures a safe space to speak about racism without judgment, ask questions openly and lean into the hard conversations.


Jennifer W.
Executive Director & Founder

Just so you know, the coaching has done a lot of good for my mental state about the rescue. I still fantasize about retiring, but I don't tell my husband daily that I'm going to quit. (that sounds grim, but I was tired of having to push non-stop and not knowing when I was right or wrong.


sareli, Founder 


        During my work with Pearl Consulting Group I quickly learned they were a warm and responsive individual, dedicated to equity, and did not shy away from having difficult conversations.

Pearl Consulting Group did not only excelled at the core elements projects for an organization and also took into account the big picture to manage the effect that extended well beyond the scope of their role.  I would highly recommend Pearl Consulting Group






 Wendy, Executive Director 

I have such terrific news to report!!!  The letter you advised us on was mailed out this past Monday.  By Saturday we'd received so many donations!!  $24,500!!!  One check is due to come in this week, but all the other money is actually in hand.  We cannot believe the outpouring of support.  
All of us here, the TRAC Board, Advisory Board and of course myself and the Staff are so very, very deeply grateful to you for your mentorship.  
We are going to survive this. More funds are coming in, so we are setting those aside for a full audit for this year.

I cannot say "Thank you" enough, for your phone call, for your help, your kindness and for being there. 
Sincerely yours,

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Ron M., Nonprofit Consultant
& Policy Advocate

                 Passionate. Committed. Dedicated. Genuine.  In my over 10 years of having known and worked with Pearl Consulting Group, these words are what best describe her both professionally and personally. As someone who has worked in the nonprofit, education, arts/culture, and social justice fields for over 20 years, I have found Pearl Consulting Group to be someone who not only brings strong professional skills to her work, but who also understands that interpersonal communication is integral to engagement with employees/staff/board, and with the population being served, whether it is children and youth, or adults. When faced with challenges, they are responsive, not reactive. Pearl Consulting Group’s focus is to work collaboratively to resolve an issue or concern, for the betterment of all involved. She is adept at recognizing areas for improvement -- programmatically, financially, systemically -- and working towards strengthening that area in partnership with her team and other stakeholders.  Pearl Consulting Group’s background, experience and skill sets are applicable across various sectors as they are flexible and adaptable.

Contact Us

Thanks for submitting! A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

For more information contact Olivia Hensely -

123 E San Carlos St. PMB 1172 San Jose, CA 95112


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